Create the Extraordinary
I help entrepreneurs
liberate their genius + creativity
& stay in flow + peak performance states.

Begin now...

Our nervous system will choose
a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven...
and we can change that now.

Limiting container

Trees with contained roots have limited growth.

Roots free to expand!

Trees with no containment, are expansive, free to grow big & wild.

Does this sound like you?

  • You need relief, energy, and to feel better now!
  • You're working towards a goal, but it's not happening and you can't figure out how to change things.
  • You're running into familiar roadblocks, patterns, or emotional triggers.
  • You want more energy, happiness, and clarity.

You've come to the right place...

This work is life-changing.

You can only expand, receive, and enjoy
life to the point that your nervous system feels SAFE.

Familiar = Safe

Unless you heal the roots, your nervous system imprint recreates familiar emotions
and protects against re-experiencing any trauma.

You are your best investment.

As you heal the roots and expand your nervous system capacity,

your world opens up in incredible ways!

Book a FREE Consulation.


Begin now...

Our nervous system will recreate what's familiar, not what's ideal.

Traumas are imprinted in our nervous system and body memories.

This will look like aspects of our childhood emotional environment.


“Nobody changes until they change their energy.
If you change your energy, you change your life.
To change then,
is to be greater than your environment…
to be greater than the conditions in your world and the environment.
A change in consciousness requires a change in energy.
― Dr. Joe Dispenza

Get back in the driver's seat of your life.

We can greatly alter our life by releasing unconscious
constrictions and traumas from the nervous system.

The safer your nervous system feels, the more it can receive, expand, and enjoy.

Better is Possible.

Heal your nervous system...change your reality.

“There is no such thing as a 'bad' response;
there are only adaptive responses."
- Dr. Stephen Porges (Polyvagal Theory)

Get back in the driver's seat

"I go into sessions triggered with a specific issue, afterward the charge in my body is so much less that it feels like there’s no issue at all anymore.It frees up so much energy and space in my body. It restores me.
After sessions, life feels completely different than whatever I experienced coming in. I’ll have strong beliefs about how I think life or a situation is and after a session it’s like all of the charge and emotion that’s been built into the trigger is gone. I'm restored to truth and wholeness."- J.J., Illustrator

C.S. Lewis
Consultation Call

How Your Energy States affect you.

From "The Seeker's Code by Dr. Donny Epstein"
Inherited and past trauma constrict your energy.

Make your unconscious conscious

Subconscious Shift

We use the subconscious techniques to get to the root of
emotions and perceptions,
to transform the source of limitation. Much of this can be pre-verbal, stored in the subcorticol non language part of our brains.
Which is why talk-therapy is limited in releasing trauma and subconscious perceptions.
We can even resolve C-PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression using a combination of techniques.
This technique releases limiting beliefs at the emotional level which stops the beliefs and stories from looping.
Your nervous system relaxes, giving you relief and freedom.
When you shift your subconscious and emotional energy, your whole experience of life transforms.
Peace and joy come online.


We can be carrying trauma and PTSD stuck in the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn
response that's running in the background filtering your emotional reality, even if we're highly functional.
Imagine how much more is possible when that raw energy is freed up!
After that, our whole nervous system can rest and operates with more resilience.
We gain awareness of higher perspectives and new possibilities.
We are restored and renewed.
Brainspotting, combined with IFS, and family constellations are the pathway and it's like a time portal freeing up all the energy stuck in the past.

Constellations +

Family Scientific research has found evidence of "inherited ancestral trauma" aka epigenetics.

We use Family Constellations+, with a combination of trauma resolution techniques
to get to the "root" of trauma and stuck energy distortions in your field.
We heal with a blend of IFS (Internal Family Systems), Psych-K, EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques), and Brainspotting techniques
that work FAST and EFFECTIVELY.
You'll feel your energy state increase...aliveness and life force/qi.
Through sessions, as we clear all the roots, you'll experience cathartic and lasting shifts happen from within permanently.




Janelle Williams


“Wow. What a huge, deep emotional release! That was so intense & I feel so much freer. I feel like 25 lbs has been lifted from me. It was like 5 years of intense therapy in an hour.

Before our session I was on the phone with a friend and had started to tell her why I had a bad day yesterday (confrontations) and now it’s unimportant & I have already moved on. I’m surprised how much my mood has shifted!”

Jill Wachter

Jill Wachter Photography

“Cat helped me clear some stuff that has been weighing me down for years. And we resolved major issues with my mother. I actually feel happy about our relationship now, which is saying a lot! Also, I have so much more clarity about how to move forward. I’m so grateful to have found Cat and will definitely work with her again!”

Miranda T.


“I have had three sessions with Cat. After each session so much has been shifted and then afterwards I experience immediate changes manifesting in my life within days or weeks. I have explored and participated in many types of self-growth avenues in my lifetime, and the Constellation work with Cat feels like a ‘missing link’. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have discovered this work and to have found Cat. She is remarkably insightful, intuitive and compassionate. She is clearly gifted in this work.”

Ninna Amora

Founder of Live Embodied

“I have done a lot of emotional “work” over the past few years seeking deeper insight into my relationship to myself, my work and my family. My first experience with Constellation therapy created an entirely different paradigm around my approach to this “work.”

Through Cat’s skillful guidance, I had the profound experience of being supported and held by my ancestors. For the first time ever, I got past the paradigm of constantly struggling to find happiness and experienced the love and support of my family.”

Chris Chen

Founder - Eastern Scholars Healing Arts


Physical Therapist

Abbey Pilgeram


“Working with Cat has lead to pivotal breakthroughs and changes in my life that would not have been possible before. She has the ability to sense how we are holding ourselves back and (more importantly) – she also has the emotional intelligence to communicate with us in a way that will help us understand. Her guidance has allowed me to understand and see more deeply into things that were holding me back for YEARS.”

Dan Morena

Technical Co-founder


Stories and learnings from my world.