Legal Disclaimer:

The information contained at and any advice given by Catherine (Cat) Gelinas is for general information purposes only.

Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute psychological or medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute for proper psychological or medical care provided by a psychologist or physician.

Nor is anything you read on or suggestions given by Cat a solution, diagnosis, prognosis, or cure for any specific career, financial, psychological, emotional, or health circumstance or problem.

Any person experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, financial or career concerns, health, or relationship issues, should consult with a financial advisor, career counselor, medical doctor, licensed psychologist/therapist, or other appropriate qualified professional before commencing any new career strategy, financial plans, change in personal relationships, exercise program, or following any of the teachings, methods, and suggestions described on or by Cat. 

Cat Gelinas assumes no responsibility for any circumstances arising out of the use, misuse, interpretation or application of any information supplied on this site, and/or from any kind of advice from Cat and her services.

Do not rely on information on this site as a tool for self-diagnosis.

Always consult with your doctor for appropriate examinations, treatment, testing, and care recommendations.

Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof, are your own. 

Under no circumstances can you hold Catherine (Cat) Gelinas liable for any actions that you take or choose not to take.

You and you alone are solely and personally responsible for all your choices, actions, and results.